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Dr. 桑德拉Seipel

Dr. 桑德拉Seipel



210 Brown Hall

Joined Northwest in 2014


Reggio Emilia, Italy Study Abroad Coordinator


  • Ed.D 教育al Leadership and Policy Analysis; University of 密苏里州
  • Ed.S. Principalship; Northwest 密苏里州 State University
  • M.S. 教育al Technology; Northwest 密苏里州 State University
  • B.S. Elementary 教育/Early Childhood; Northwest 密苏里州 State University


  • Infant Toddler 实习
  • Kindergarten 实习
  • Early Childhood Observation and Assessment
  • Pedagogy of the Reggio Emilia Approach
  • Family and Community Resources in Early Childhood
  • Early Childhood Assessment and Special 教育
  • Early Childhood Professional Capstone
  • Early Childhood Professional Learning Communities
  • Early Childhood Capstone 实习
  • Issues in Early Childhood 教育
  • Trauma Informed Practices and Responsive Pedagogy


  • Impact of Laboratory School on Educator Preparation Programs
  • Quality Educator Preparation Programs
  • Study Abroad: Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood


Research and Publications:

  • Seipel,年代. (2019). Stakeholder perceptions: The impact of a university based laboratory school on a campus-based educator preparation program.  International Association of Laboratory Schools Journal, 9 (1), p 13-17.


  • Presenter (2023, July). “Authentic Community Experiences for Teacher Candidates."在 National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Conference, virtual.
  • Co-Presenter (2022, October). “Community Partnerships Lead to Teacher Candidate Preparation."在 Teacher 教育 Council of State Colleges, Denver CO.
  • Presenter (2021, July). “The Learning Journey of Children Through Provocations."在 International Association of Laboratory Schools International Conference, virtual.
  • Presenter (2018, May). “Stakeholder Perceptions: The Impact of an On-site Laboratory School on a Campus-Based Educator Preparation Program."在 International Association of Laboratory Schools International Conference (IALS), 匹兹堡, 宾西法尼亚.
  • Co-Presenter (2018, May). “Leading Change by Inspiring Authentic Experiential Learning through Leadership, Mentoring and Intentional Professional Development."在 International Association of Laboratory Schools International Conference, 匹兹堡, 宾西法尼亚.
  • Presenter (2017, May). “Successes and challenges of the multi-age classroom"在 International Association of Laboratory Schools International Conference, Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Co-Presenter (2017, May). “Impact through learning: Social justice begins with our children."在 International Association of Laboratory Schools International Conference, Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Presenter (2017, March). “Successes and challenges of the multi-age classroom."在 密苏里州 Association of Elementary School Principals Conference, 奥色治人的海滩, 密苏里州.
  • Co-Presenter (2014, February). “Student ownership of grades, behaviors, and relationships."在 密苏里州 Powerful Learning Conference, 奥色治人的海滩, 密苏里州.
  • Co-Presenter (2012, February). “Finding our focus: Data driven instruction and school wide consistency. Presented at the 密苏里州 Powerful Learning Conference, 奥色治人的海滩, 密苏里州.
  • Co-Presenter (2011, February). “Engaging Students While Teachers Collaborate."在 密苏里州 Powerful Learning Conference, 奥色治人的海滩, 密苏里州.

Student Group Advisement

  • 教育 Around the World
  • Reggio Emilia Study Abroad

其他 Professional Experiences

  • Secretary, 密苏里州 Association for the 教育 of Young Children -2021-2023
  • Treasurer, 密苏里州 Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators-2023-Present
  • Reach Out and Read Coordinator-2018-Present
  • Reggio Emilia, Italy 教师-Led Study Abroad Coordinator
  • Reviewer, International Association of Laboratory Schools Journal, 2018-2021
  • Reviewer, NAEYC National Conference proposals, 2019-2022
  • Past President, NW District MAESP
  • Parents as Teachers Educator
  • Teacher-Preschool, Kindergarten, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade
  • Principal-6-12 Principal, Pre-6 Principal


  • Enjoy spending time with family, traveling, and reading